Case Study

SKIM COAT SF - Engr. Wenfredo Abordo (Naga City)

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When choosing the right products for your construction project, it’s always better to get recommendations or references first before making a decision. After all, good reviews always mean something in the construction industry.

In this particular project, Engineer Wenfredo Abordo, the contractor of a three-story commercial building in Naga City, sought recommendations for a good finishing solution for his project.

When he heard about Buildrite from one of his colleagues, he agreed to meet up with our technical personnel to learn more about our products.

So, we discussed the features and benefits of our various finishing solutions and showed several project references. We also offered technical assistance to make sure that the application process of our products will be done right.

With good service coupled by good products, Engineer Wenfredo immediately agreed to use our product: SKIM COAT SF. While there are a lot of alternative options out there, it all comes down to good service, product quality, and great reviews. In the end, the contractor and building owner were both satisfied with the results.

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